Craftsman’s desire to create beautiful things|ななほう

Point #1. This handkerchief is woven by a Y-type weaving machine invented over 100 years ago

This handkerchief is created using only the fabric woven using the Y-type loom invented by Sakichi Toyoda over 100 years ago. The Y-type loom has the mark “Toyota Industries Corporation'' in traditional Japanese horizontal writing written from right to left.*1 

This Y-type automatic loom was invented in 1915.

*1 Modern Japanese horizontal writing is written from left to right.

Point #2: Size of 37cm x 22cm

The Y-type loom is a narrow-width weaving machine. The width of the fabric is approximately 37cm, and each loom shuttle has a thread for one pattern wrapped around it. When woven, the length of the fabric will be approximately 24 cm.

The handkerchief size is unique, and you can feel Sakichi's original invention of the narrow loom.


*The woven fabric’s length is 24cm, but the finished handkerchief length will be 22cm. (The difference of the 2cm is the seam allowance on two sides)

Point #3. Handkerchief with the selvage

The handkerchief has the “selvage” of the fabric intentionally left so you can feel even more that it was woven with a narrow loom. Since it's on the edge of the fabric, it looks like it might fray when it's not sewn, but it won't because of that.


Craftsman’s desire to create beautiful things


In the cotton textile workshop, looms move energetically while making a pleasant clicking sound, ”Kashan-Kashan.” 

It takes about 30 steps to make the fabric smooth, comfortable, durable, and absorbent. Each step is very delicate. 

Three months will take to complete the whole process.

 Many people's efforts and thoughts go into creating a beautiful thing like this.

 Let’s see what kind of process it goes through to create the beautiful fabric.


About the “Ima-Koko Sakichi Handkerchief” *

This handkerchief is woven using a loom invented over 100 years ago by Sakichi Toyoda, the “king of inventions.” The vertical and horizontal threads are woven to create a beautiful pattern. The fabric is smooth, comfortable, durable, and long-lasting.

Sakichi's invention was motivated by his desire to make life easier for his mother and to help those around him.

There are approximately 30 steps involved in creating this fabric, each handled by a dedicated craftsman. Behind the manufacturing process, there is the idea of caring about others.

I feel that there are two caring, hidden thoughts behind manufacturing. Sakichi's thoughts became the foundation of the Japanese industry and are still creating its core value today. This seems to prove how powerful inner belief is.

We have created this Handkerchief with all our hearts, hoping our craftsmanship will warm everyone's hearts.


Craftsman’s desire to create beautiful things

A workshop in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, continues to make Kurume Kasuri, which boasts outstanding beauty. -“Kashan Kashan”- Opening the door to the workshop, you will see 13 looms, making a pleasant, fast-paced rhythm. The wooden shuttle moves like limbs, and the gears at its feet spin, making it look like a living creature moving quickly. Some machines have been working for as long as 100 years.

“Making good fabrics make Orimoto, an Orimoto.”  Orimoto, the textile creator, still holds the words of his predecessors in his heart. “Good fabric” means no scratches and a pattern that matches properly. It may sound obvious, but there are as many as 30 detailed processes involved in creating the fabric, and if even one person skips a step, the fabric will not be its best quality.

Each machine has its own characteristics, and maintenance is essential. If the pattern becomes slightly off, a craftsman immediately stops the machine, checks the “tongs'' that wind the thread and makes fine adjustments to the millimeter. It cannot be left to the devices by simply turning it on, but the knowledge and experience of each individual craftsman supports the beautiful patterns unique to Kurume Kasuri.*2

“We don't take even the slightest difference in pattern as just a matter of texture. We do not allow any compromise in weaving techniques or inspection. I tell the craftsmen to set their standards high enough to what they want to wear or buy themselves,'' says the Orimoto, textile creator.


Two compassions

Mornings at the workshop start with a "health check" of the 13 looms. This is because the condition of the loom changes depending on the weather and humidity that day. If it rained the day before, the leather parts of the loom will absorb moisture and become soft, so the pressure applied to the parts must be adjusted tighter according to the conditions. On the other hand, the pressure must loosen up if it's sunny and dry. Only after making such detailed adjustments can the craftsmen begin work.

Dedicated craftsmen carry out each of the 30 processes. The weaving craftsmen do the weaving, and a dyeing craftsman carries the dyeing. It is all irreplaceable work that only the particular craftsman can do. “Teamwork” is something they always value. The key to properly completing his own process is to be considerate of the next person. If someone completes only 80% of the 100%, and the next person who receives it also passes it on to 80%, the result will no longer be the best. Considering his teammates by doing his best to make things easier for the next person in the process will ultimately lead to consideration for the customers who take the product into their hands.

However, it doesn’t mean to put pressure for perfection. No matter how hard they try, there is always a limit, so if they can only reach 80%, they have to tell the person in the next process about it and ask them to follow up properly. If they do that, 80% may eventually rise to 100%. When creating things as a team, horizontal communication is more important than each individual's skill level.

Manufacturing comes from “heart”

What is important for a craftsman is not the skill itself or the length of his career. He can become a professional, even clumsy, over many years of continuous effort. The important thing is whether the person continue to have the desire to create something good. Just as Sakichi Toyoda, the creator of the loom, devoted himself to inventions because he wanted to make his mother's life easier and help people, the driving force behind manufacturing is a heart that cares for others. Times have changed, and we live in a society where things are consumed cheaper and faster, but the value of things created with effort, time, and thoughtfulness will never change.


The continuation of traditional culture and techniques

Many people's thoughts go into it when creating something beautiful.

People also inherit a lot of love and feelings from their families.

Japanese culture has two principles: “respect for the individual'' and “consideration of others.'' This idea of ​​WA, harmony, is present in Japanese manufacturing and traditional events.

In Nanaho, we believe preserving and passing down traditional culture and techniques reflects the weaving of Japan's spirit.

Japanese culture and customs often have a negative image, such as being "troublesome" or "time-consuming." However, if we look at it through manufacturing, we will inevitably find time to think about others, which results into making us feel happy.


Culture is the expression of thoughts in the form

The thoughts that went into it and the time spent preparing it will warm your heart when you take it in your hand and even after time has passed.

I believe that Sakichi's invention became the foundation of Japan, and the fact that it is still producing industry even 100 years later proves that invisible thoughts and considerations last.

Japanese people are very good at consideration and compassion; I believe this is Japanese culture, which is the Japanese spirit.

Ima-Koko Sakichi is the cornerstone of Japanese industry and the “fusion of industry and traditional culture.”

Thank you for taking this handkerchief in your hand.

We hope that Japan's wonderful manufacturing will bring warmth to your hearts.